Thursday, December 29, 2005

a New paint job

It's the end of the year and the habits are performing their familiar, high-arching return. Lately, the act of Living has felt like a perpetual battle to break free from the rip-tides of habit. As the road signs of my twenties slowly dissolve into the horizon of my rearview mirror, I am struggling to keep my eyes on the Road. Manic depression has begun to swing me further and further onto the gravely shoulders of the road. The Fear grows that one bad winter could send me into the ditch or wrapped around cement-anchored, telephone pole in the median. It's apparent that preemptive action Must be taken.

Last week, a new gym membership was secured with plastic promises to my debtors. The next step is the purchase of another Thing to add to my collection - a laptop. The dream of a quiet office space will have to be saved for the next Move, either from the Big City or to another tier of wealth alien to my existence. It is time to recognize that my cave is no kind of place to write and the only Hope lies in cafes and bars of Manhattan.

So, after scouring the pages of,,,,,,, and numerous forums, I've come the the conclusion that everything is Too Expensive and Utterly Baffling. Whoever is in charge of the numbering scheme for Intel laptop processors should be shot. Years ago, a laptop purchase was made from Dell by yours truly and from that Incident I have learned the two things that I MUST have in this new machine: 1) A decently-sized keyboard, 2) a weight that will NOT render the idea of Portability to a joking quip.

It appears that a Lenovo Thinkpad will be the way to go. A Z60T or T42, perhaps. It certainly isn't the cheapest model on the market today, but it looks like a workhorse. I'm praying that there are some New Year deals to be had in the next week so I don't have to make too many more promises I can't keep.

Then, let the Magic begin...


muse said...

I love my laptop, though it's kind of heavy to carry around (it's a 3 yo Toshiba). I can work on my sofa, surrounded by cats, and watching tv. Life doesn't get any better than this... (reading what I just wrote... err, well, I hope it does get better, cuz otherwise I'll join you in that depression! *wry smile*)

Nah, I'm just oozing self-pity and self-aimed sarcasm these days, don't pay attention.

Anyway, I hope that you get over your seasonal blues. The gym is a great idea. I should use my own membership before it expires in March...

Anyhoo, I wish you and Kat a terrific new year, full of well-being, health, love and wealth!

John Deckard said...

If you can't ooze self-pit and self-aimed sarcasm on a blog (particularly in the comments section) then what the hell good is the internet??

Many thanks for the New Year wishes and the same back atcha. Lord knows you could use a better year than the last one (except for your visit to the Mermaid Parade, right? ;))