Thursday, July 07, 2005

Good to be - *COUGH*

My pilgrimage to the land of the midnight sun has been completed and I am glad to be


Excuse me... where was I? Ah yes, I am glad to be back in my beloved


... maybe I need a glass of water. It's just that this frigging-


air in New York-


I arrived at JFK airport on Wednesday, flush with relief at my return home. The sliding doors swished and parted and I stepped into the great outdoors- then we wavered in our tracks. The air was thick with moisture and the stain of stale oil and exhaust. It was as if the air was hostile. After spending a couple of weeks abroad, I'd forgotten how Third-World the cities of America have become regarding air quality. Based on what I saw in Stockholm, if it takes a little socialism in a democracy to make corporations improve their water and air quality, I'd take it over this tepid mess any day.

I am happy to be home. Really.

Sweden was amazing, the wedding was cool and the breadth of egos on display was grossly-disappointing.

Is that obtuse enough? I got to visit with an old friend, befriend some amazing Swedes and revisit old friendships that helped me to find closure in ways I'd never expect.

Yep. Got the cryptic, scrambling device running full-bore here.

There will be much, much more to talk about. My paperwork is everywhere and I've gotta sort this shit out before I start applying digits-to-keyboards.

I need some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pining for the fjords, are you?

Welcome back.