Monday, April 11, 2005

The Kills do the Bowery Ballroom

I saw my favorite band for the last time. When The Kills come back to NYC, they will be an opener for some "Ubergroup" or the headliner at a big venue- Webster Hall, Roseland Ballroom, Hammerstein Ballroom or Irving Plaza will snatch them away, rub them all over with smarm, and that will be it. It's the Catch 22 of indie rock. You discover a new band, fall in love with them. You run around telling everybody about them and giving them burned songs and begging them to go to the shows. Then, your band breaks and just like that, you realize that they've grown up and left you. I'm too upset to point out the perfunctory metaphor involving butterflies or babies. Maybe they'll continue to linger along the edge of the Big Time like The Raveonettes or The Notwist, but I'm thinking that it's going to be more of a White Stripes career arc. Of course, this might all be the result of my cynicism following Saturday night's Wadoosay.

I've seen every NYC concert since 2003 and I've gotta say that The Kills were really fucking good on this night. They've settled into their stage personas, especially VV (Allison Mosshart) who always looked like the only thing keeping her from bolting off the stage was her curtain of raven hair and endless procession of cigarettes. It always worked because she'd use some of the songs to channel her nervous energy into a stage show of growling, grinding, sexual tension between her and Hotel (Jamie Hince). On this night, The sexual tension wasn't as overt (except for the gymnastics move involving her and Hotel's guitar), I didn't see her smoke a single cigarette and she's finally returned from the Land of the Painfully-Thin and looked really good. Hmmm... VV, Cat Power, PJ Harvey, Hope Sandoval... well, my aesthetic tastes have at least remained consistent. (Yeah, my girlfriend is going to love that observation). The presentation has a comfortable, slicker feel. They've always been stagey, but in the past it always had a fun and somewhat-campy feeling to it. I love groups that will throw themselves into a bit that they feel a little silly doing, but you know they're having fun. Now, The Kills feel more like an act. I'm not screaming "sellout!", though. I think such arguments are usually crap. People so easily get into the mindset that a band should always stay the same, but that gets old and, after a while, painful to watch, like with Kiss, Aerosmith, or AC/DC or... well, maybe I'll stop with the comparisons. The Kills are starting to move away from some of their earlier bits and coming more into their own. If you haven't seen them, go. You won't be disappointed.

As The Kills begin their ascent out of the world of Indie Rock, so do others rise to fill the vacuum. I was blown away when I listened to an opening band I'd never seen before - Scout Niblett. They may not be the Next Big Thing, but they grabbed my attention. After Googling the group, I've discovered that Scout Niblett is actually Emma Niblett and she's essentially a soloist with backup. Her stuff is a great synthesis of Cat Power and Nirvana. Scout offers high, lilting lyrics, then gives a wry grin before launching into a wave of by crunching, power chords. She had that great, coiled energy that I've seen from so many of the recent, English rock bands. Part way through the set, she set down her guitar, took the the drums and ripped out a couple solid drum-backed songs. After the show was over, I saw her sitting at the bar and had to go over and tell her how great her set was. Damn, I love the Bowery Ballroom.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope not, because I missed them again. I wasn't going to Hoboken and opted to see M. Ward at Southpaw instead, that night.

I honestly doubt that The Kills have the crossover potential of a White Stripes; they're too dark and minimalist, methinks. Or hopes.

If all else fails, you can catch them after they peak, on the way down, back in the bars where you can get close to the music you love.

This blog thing: Y'know, you're allowed to write in it, y'know. And you should, more often.


John Deckard said...

Life has been getting in the way for the last two weeks. I've written a few blogs. I just have to type them up and post them. Hopefully, I'll have at least two new entries up by EOD Friday.